We are two recovering Type-A strivers who fled the politics and dysfunction of the corporate system while believing there had to be a better way. Most leaders have the desire to create a positive impact and yet do not have natural leadership traits encrypted on their DNA. They get stuck in the pitfalls of organizational dynamics and the political challenges that drive unhealthy behavior and cause burnout in their teams. We set out to change that paradigm.
We met in 2014, while Laura was receiving her coach training and Maria was a faculty member, and hit it off immediately. We had much in common; we grew up on Long Island, N.Y., had successful sales careers, loved the beach and appreciated Napa cabernets. Our vision was shared and two-fold: spreading the news about conscious leadership while normalizing the intangible essence of Spirit in the workplace.
While we were called to serve the organizational system, we found that there was a considerable void in the training available to approach this particular clientele. When we began pouring over all the information gleaned from our 30+ years in corporate America and our own internal coaching experience, our XCC curriculum practically wrote itself! We share all of our processes, resources and secrets for how we beat our Imposter Syndrome to confidently succeed in executive coaching.
While leaving the security of our corporate roles was fraught with uncertainty, it was our most rewarding leap of faith to date. We maintain a culture of “walking our talk” and allow our hearts and intuition to guide us during the unknown portions of the journey. When one door closes, we go back to our vision with levity and humor and say, “Can’t wait to see what happens next.” We know the mystery of the universe is certain to unfold beautifully.