The Integrated Leader Program
Our Integrated leader Program (ILP) is a custom-designed, energetic and interactive training program that leverages our patented coaching tools to foster emotional intelligence, self-awareness and communication skills. The result is greater employee engagement, retention, increased production, sales and profits.
We believe that leaders want to have an immense sphere of positive influence. While many are not born impeccable leaders, these traits are behavioral and coachable! Our ILP has all the competencies required to take everyone’s leadership skills to the next level.
Mastering Your Beliefs
Self-managing one’s beliefs requires skill, tools and practice. Our ASSENTER | DISSENTER™ coaching and training model enables our clients to become aware of the internal conversation that continually steers presiding thoughts and drives behavior. Through experiential exercises, participants explore limiting beliefs and choose the narrative that will create the desired outcome. This training model transforms the way teams think and perform across all industries.
The 15 Commitments
As a compendium to our work together, all clients and students are assigned one our favorite resources on leadership development. What’s easier than a bianary model? You’re either above the line or below. Leaders above the line are open, curious and commitment to learning
Tilt 365
The Tilt 365 is a strengths-based feedback assessment that provides specific insights about personality tendencies and self-mastery. It hones in on character strengths and identifies the traits that are currently balanced, over-used or under-used; hence your “Tilting” pattern. This instrument is excellent for understanding your natural strengths and identifying a specific path of development to become more self-aware, productive and creative. Learn how to achieve more internal equilibrium and adopt the agile growth mindset essential in the workplace.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence skills are critical for building relationships, resolving conflict, solving problems, leading effectively and building resilience. The EQ-i 2.0 provides you with a detailed assessment of your areas of strength and potential areas for development. As we shine the spotlight on your blind spots, you will be better equipped to develop interpersonal relationships and cope with stress.